Om IC huvud Z-axelmotor inte är installerad korrekt kommer konsekvenserna att vara allvarliga.

It’s a short circuit, you know what that is, right? You've probably encountered it with pick-and-place machines. But here’s a detail you might not know. Are you familiar with the IC head (TH)? How about the Z-axis motor? But you probably aren't familiar with the insulation layer on the motor coil, right?

When installing the IC head, you need to pay attention to the gap between the motor coil and the Z-axis bearing, as well as the magnets on both sides. If you're not careful, over time, the insulation layer on the Z-axis motor coil could get worn down, causing a short circuit. The Z-axis motor should be installed on the IC head first, and then the gap should be adjusted.

When adjusting the gap, make sure to observe carefully and handle it gently. These small details are something 99% of engineers don’t know. So, which one are you—one of the 99%, or the 1%?

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