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dhidibka bidix ee Siemens meelaynta mashiinka xakamaynta axis waa qayb muhiim ah oo ka mid ah meelaynta

Habka kormeerka iyo dayactirka ee khaladaadka guddiga ee Siemens HS ee mashiinnada meelaynta taxanaha

maamul 2023-11-30 332

The left axis of the Siemens placement machine axis control board is an important part of the placement machine. Its function is to control the movement of 

the left axis in the placement machine to ensure the accurate placement of components. If the left axis of the axis control board fails, it may cause equipment 

shutdown and affect production efficiency. Today I would like to share with you how to quickly solve the abnormal power supply failure of the left axis of the 

axis control board of a Siemens placement machine. This article will detail how to analyze and solve this problem. It is recommended to collect it.


  Geekvalue Industrial asm placement machine axis control card

1. Analyze the problem

1. Check the power supply voltage: First, check whether the power supply voltage of the Siemens placement machine is normal. Use a multimeter to measure 

the supply voltage and make sure it is within the specified range.

2. Check the circuit components: Check the circuit components related to the left axis power supply of the axis control board, such as capacitors, resistors, diodes, etc. 

Use a multimeter or oscilloscope to measure the resistance, capacitance, and continuity of these components to confirm their operation.

3. Check the software settings: Check the software settings of the Siemens placement machine to ensure that the left axis power supply parameters are correctly configured. 

If the setting is wrong, it may cause abnormal power supply.

2. Solve problems

1. Replace faulty components: If circuit components are found to be faulty, they should be replaced in time. According to the specifications and requirements of 

the placement machine, select the appropriate components for replacement. Pay attention to welding the solder joints correctly to avoid introducing new faults

2. Check the power supply line: Check the connection of the left axis power supply line of the placement machine. Make sure the power cord is not disconnected or loose, 

and check for damage or short circuits. If problems are found, the power lines should be repaired or replaced in time.

3. Software debugging: If there are no problems with the power supply voltage and circuit components, then it may be an error in the software settings that causes 

the left axis power supply to be abnormal. Set up and debug through the control interface or software of the placement machine. Check whether the left axis power 

supply parameters are configured correctly, such as voltage, current, etc. According to the device instructions and user manual, adjust parameters and restart the device.


Geekvalue Industrial asm patch machine maintenance team

If the abnormal power supply problem of the left axis of the axis control board of the Siemens placement machine cannot be solved through the above steps, 

it is recommended to contact our technical personnel. They can provide more professional guidance and support, diagnose and solve the abnormal power supply of the left axis.

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