SMT Parts
asm siplace feeder conversion power supply PN:00141420

asm siplace feeder conversion power supply PN:00141420

‌The main function of the ASM placement machine feeder conversion power supply is to reduce machine downtime and improve production efficiency. ‌Specifically, by using the conversion power supply, the problematic feeder can be diagnosed during normal prod

State:New In stock:have Warranty:supply

‌The main function of the ASM SMT feeder conversion power supply is to reduce machine downtime and improve production efficiency. Through offline or online power supply, the feeder can be diagnosed and repaired when the equipment is in normal production, so as not to affect the normal SMT operation of the SMT machine. ‌

Specific role and function ‌Reducing downtime‌: Through offline power supply, the feeder can be diagnosed and repaired when the equipment is not working, reducing the machine downtime caused by feeder problems. ‌

‌Improving production efficiency‌: The use of offline or online power supply allows the problematic feeder to be repaired when the equipment is in normal production, so as not to affect the overall production progress. ‌

‌Adapting to different production capacity requirements‌: According to different production capacity requirements, different types of Feeders can be selected, such as using X series Feeders for products with low output requirements, and using X-smart or Xi Feeders for products with high output requirements, the latter with faster feeding speed. ‌

Power supply type and selection ‌ASM SMT feeder conversion power supply can be selected according to different production capacity requirements, including the number of Dockstations, material carts and Feeders. Customers can configure these devices according to their own production needs to ensure the best balance between production efficiency and quality.

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